There are a lot of great choices when it comes to who to partner with on your health and wellness journey. Our office sets out to fill a unique void and address a unique need. We strive to offer you a different philosophy with a different approach so that, ultimately, you can achieve results that you haven’t gotten anywhere else.
And most importantly, we believe that STRUCTURE determines FUNCTION … You live your life through your nervous system, with your brain and spinal cord controlling and coordinating EVERY function in your body. We know that a loss of structural integrity causes a loss of function and a subsequent decline toward illness. By optimizing the alignment, flexibility, and tone within your spine, we help optimize the function and vitality within your entire body.
We have one focus and one focus only – to help optimize your spine so that you can optimize your life. It sounds simple but the results are profound. Just reading through any of the testimonials or success stories from our practice members will show you the impact this singular focus has had on helping children and adults overcome both chronic and acute health challenges and how it has helped advance and improve their overall well-being. Years of suffering relieved. Blood work improved. Bed-wetting stopped. Ear infections resolved. Blood pressure normalized. You name, we have seen it. Keep in mind though, we don’t treat your condition -- we care for YOU. Our care is about facilitating changes to your spine and nervous system and helping your body regain order, balance, and ease.
We want to empower you with information and show you the secrets to health and healing that we have discovered over the years. We want to give you a fresh start and a fresh perspective so that you can create the health you desire for yourself and your family. We offer classes, workshops, newsletters, blogs, tips, and more to help keep you informed, accountable, and continually on-purpose in your pursuit of wellness. You’ve got to know to grow and we are all about sharing!
When you come in for an initial consultation, we don’t just put you on the table and start working on you. We sit down with you. We get to know you – your goals and concerns and health history – so that we can best serve you. We don’t guess with your health. We measure it. We have state-of-the-art technology to analyze your spine and evaluate your nervous system. We can take x-rays on site if you require them. And then, after getting a clear picture of your unique situation, we review our findings with you and give you options to choose from.
We take our care very seriously and have become proficient at many chiropractic techniques. How we check and adjust a newborn baby is different from how we check and adjust a college athlete. You might require or prefer a hands-on approach while another person might require or prefer an approach using a gentle adjusting instrument. Regardless of which approach is used, all of our techniques are comfortable and precise, with the goal of getting you CLEAR as quickly as possible. Our practice members love that we don’t offer fluff or non-essential modalities and therapies. We determine clearly if you need to be adjusted, how you need to be adjusted, and where you need to be adjusted.
Our goal is not just to get you back to where you were - it is to take you to where you have not yet been. The principle of constant and never-ending improvement tells us that health has no upper limit -- that we never get to our best and then just coast. Our goal is to partner with you to help your body advance and evolve to higher and higher levels and to help you continually expand your health potential.
Premium care does not need to come at a premium price. We want to be your family’s wellness chiropractor and we want to make it affordable for you to participate. Insurance may help a bit, but their goal is relief, not wellness. Insurance can be helpful during a crisis, but they don’t help you proactively expand your function, performance, and overall quality of life. We have individual and family pricing to help our care become one of the best investment strategies you make.