We are located in the former Geneva Medical Associates building on the corner or North Street and Carter Road. This building has a rich history for our family as it was founded by Dr. Meredith's grandfather and his medical partners and also served as the practice site for her uncle. We are located in the rear of the building, with a convenient, ground-level entrance and plenty of parking.

Welcome to our office! This is our reception area and front desk. Our state-of-the-art computer system allows patients to sign-in using a key tag or swipe card.
This is our consultation room, where we will meet to review your health goals and concerns, so we know exactly how you would like to benefit from our care and we can answer all your questions.
This is our exam room. After your consultation, we will conduct a brief but thorough exam to measure your spinal / neurologic health and wellness. Most people have never had this aspect of their health properly looked at. When you consider how important your spine and nervous system are to your health, wellness, and quality of life, you will see how this exam could be one of the most important ones you will ever have!
Perhaps the most important area in our office, the adjusting and education center is where we see life-changing miracles occur daily. As the structure of your spine is corrected and your nervous system heals, you begin to share the amazing benefits that millions of chiropractic patients worldwide have already experienced. |
We are proud to be the only office in the region to specialize in chiropractic corrective care. Your path toward wellness may include recommendations for spinal rehab to assist in your healing. Using the most researched protocols and techniques available to date, we utilize gentle forms of traction and specific exercises to help achieve faster and longer lasting results.
Our goal is to create an atmosphere of health and healing. Using soft lighting and modern furnishings, as well as soothing colors and the building's original stonework, we want you to experience tranquility and relaxation on each and every visit. Happy healing! |